This is a site where I help us all navigate our complicated relationships with food, the scale and dieting.

A “Monday Dieter” is someone who starts a diet every Monday. I can bet that if you too start a diet every Monday you may also have a complicated relationship with food, the scale and dieting.

If you’re like me you’ve spent a lifetime hating your body, cursing the scale and starting and stopping diet after diet. If you’re like me, you wish you could start a diet, hit your goal weight, then live happily at the goal weight forever. But that’s not reality. The truth is, the relationship we all have with food is complicated. Every single bite of food is complicated. Every meal is complicated. Every grocery store trip is complicated. Every holiday, vacation and get together is complicated. The same way food is complicated, so is the crappy relationship we all have with the scale.

I’ve let the number define me for too long.

Wondering if this site is something you need to bookmark and visit often, let me ask you a series of questions.

Are you sick and tired of wanting to weigh less?

Are you exhausted trying to lose weight?

Are you often angry at yourself because you can’t stick to a diet?

Does it feel like you’ve been on a diet your entire life but you’re still fat?

Do you wish you didn’t feel shame and regret after eating?

If you want to just eat what you want when you want and not care if the scale goes up or down. I’m telling you that’s possible.

Now that doesn’t mean I am going to force you to accept the size you are now because I get that you have to diet. I get that you want to lose weight. I get that this will be a lifelong struggle for you. I want to help you break free from of the self-hatred and the internal mental torture you put yourself through when it comes to how you look and what you weigh.

You can still want or need to lose weight, but you can do it without the chaos of expensive products, quick fixes, fads & mental hell. 🙌🏼

You can diet because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself 💕